February 4, 2015

Weekly Update: Week 35

How far along? 35 weeks (I am a day late posting though. But since I'm a day late, I got to take a snowy picture!)

How much weight have you gained? 29 pounds

Any cravings? Mainly ice still. Or anything that people make offhanded comments about... Someone will mention something and it will sit with me for a little while, and eventually that will be what I want to eat, even when it didn't sound appealing at first. I finally tried the "Elvis sandwich" with peanut butter, bananas, and marshmallow creme (fried), but sadly it didn't quite live up to my expectations. One was enough. 

What are you wearing? Same clothes, but they are getting tighter and tighter!

How are you feeling? Symptoms? I've started to waddle a lot more. Especially if I have a full bladder... My kidneys are not in the best of shape apparently (the ultrasound tech accidentally got a glimpse of them), and I have a lot of discomfort in my right rib cage. I have always thought it was baby smooshing something up there (because I've been getting this off and on for a long time now), but now I'm wondering if my kidney is to blame... BUT as always, overall I'm not too shabby!

Stretch marks? Still none.

Belly button in or out? I think I can say it's out now. 

Sleep? I am trying to stay on my sides now much more strictly than before (I was still waking up on my back pretty frequently) and it makes it harder to stay comfortable. I feel like I have good sleep/bad sleep every other night.

Best moment this week: I sewed the curtains FINALLY!!! Pictures to come! I also made a pillowcase while I was at it. We also interviewed a couple doulas, one of which is actually our neighbor, which is so cool and small-worldish.

Worst moment this week: We had what was supposed to be our final scheduled ultrasound on Monday and we were very excited for it. I think after the progress we've made in our preparations we were feeling really good and confident, and we were just really excited to see her and the progress that she has made in the months since we'd last gotten to peek at her. She's looking really great for the most part, but there was a little concern about her heart so we are scheduled to get another ultrasound with a neonatalogist in St. Louis just to be on the safe side and ensure that nothing is wrong. Everything looked like it was functioning really well, her heart just looked angled a little differently than normal. So we are praying that all is alright! Our doctor didn't seem very worried but just wanted to take the extra precaution. We are staying positive and trying not to worry unless we have to, but it definitely took the wind out of our sails a bit.

Other than that, she looked really healthy and pretty big already! They estimate she weighs about 6.75 lbs at this point and they think her head is in the 97th percentile. I'm so excited to deliver that! Not. Except really I am, because I'm excited for this baby to be here!

Miss anything? Being able to twist and move like a normal person. I was trying to remember the last time I actually jogged across a crosswalk or something, and I can't. I can't remember the last time I moved faster than a walk. 

Movement? Still moving around in her cramped quarters. She rotated her feet to the left side of my body for a few days this week, but now she's back to kicking my right side again. 

Excited for anything? Our works are throwing us baby showers in week 36 (technically one was today and it was awesome), which is so sweet! It's been really fun to see how excited all of our co-workers are for our family. And I'm really looking forward to swimming this weekend!!

How’s dad-to-be? He is getting very excited and for baby girl's arrival. He checked off another project of his list by putting quarter round down long the baseboards of the nursery and also installing padding under the area rug so it's extra squishy. He's feeling pretty confident and ready!


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