How far along? 37 weeks (Jan 20 - 26)
How much weight have you gained? 42 lbs
Any cravings? We tried the picadilly! I ordered it through our local facebook swap and sell group, then we drove in the dark to the mobile home neighborhood where they were selling (hoping we found the right place), and they brought our order out to the car! It was mildly sketchy, but I would do it again! Although, I would opt for a regular snow cone next time... I ordered blue raspberry snow cone with pickles and cherry koolaid powder on top. It was edible, and I could see how it could grow on you and might just be an acquired taste, but I don't think I'll order it again. I liked Hazel's plain banana snow cone more.
Other kinda-cravings have been pop tarts, shrimp, and red meat. Although really, I still don't have much of an appetite.
What are you wearing? Same stuff. But I'm so close to being able to wear some of my old clothes again!
How are you feeling? Symptoms? Very over it. I've mostly just been laying around to stay comfortable, but now we are ready for these babies to come out so yesterday I did some shopping in order to walk around more, and now I'm incredible sore.
I've also been very itchy since around Christmas, but didn't think too much of it. Yesterday, however, I heard about cholestasis of pregnancy and the symptoms matched my itchiness exactly. I talked to my doctor about it today, and she's not worried, and the itchiness will go away once I'm not pregnant anymore.
And more CONTRACTIONS! Some are pretty crampy feeling, but they're still not regular. But hopefully they are being at least a little bit productive.
Stretch marks? My lower belly has plenty of them now.
Belly button in or out? Out.
Sleep? Sleep has been rough. As baby A moves down, I have to pee more frequently which means waking up a LOT! Also, I've been waking up hungry and sometimes needing to snack in the wee hours of the morning.
Best moment this week: Baby A flipped again and is head down! Our appointment on Tuesday was a roller coaster. I took the news of her being vertex as good news, but also meaning that once again I would have to DECIDE what course to take. However, we talked to our doctor and she was feeling positive about a vaginal birth, especially after Baby B had proved her mobility in the past few weeks. She is still transverse and moving around in there, but at least on Tuesday, she was slightly tipped into a head down position. So we are keeping our appointment Monday morning, but there's a good chance that it will be an induction instead of a c-section. Our doc also went over her method for induction and it is very slow and gentle and I was very pleased with the whole thing!
Also, my in-laws have been coming into town the past few weekends and my parents got into town this week. It's so nice to have the support of our families - everything I keep reading says we're going to need it!
Worst moment this week: Waiting! I've been waiting and so has everyone else. At the end of pregnancy, it feels like everyone is just watching you and waiting for you to suddenly explode with babies. I've had some progress, but nothing seems imminent.
Miss anything? Sleep. I'd love to go into this adventure well rested, but I just haven't been able to get long enough stretches of sleep to feel caught up.
Movement? Plenty of movements. Baby A gets hiccups more frequently than Baby B, but I feel Baby B's head and rump pressing out against my upper abdomen almost constantly.
Excited for anything? Babies! I just want to meet them.
How’s dad-to-be? Ready!
How's sister-to-be? Having so much fun with all her grandparents visiting. I'm glad she's able to get some special attention now. It seems she understands that the babies will be here very soon, and seems to be excited. Still crossing my fingers that this transition goes well for her.
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{ The Picadilly } |