How far along? 27 weeks. Helloooo, third trimester! Nice to meet you!
How much weight have
you gained? Approximately 18 lbs. Baby girl herself is also starting to pack on the weight as she grows by about a quarter of a pound every week now (according to my pregnancy app. not my doctor)! This week she's been the size of a cauliflower.
Any cravings? We had to make a special trip to the store the other night for cookies and milk. I've been snacking on gingersnaps ever since.
What are you wearing? I've started caring less and less about my outfits. My maternity pants all fit funny. They are either too baggy or too short, and they just make me feel frumpy. So I just go with whatever. Dresses are still my favorite, but I don't have enough of them to wear as often as I'd like.
How are you feeling?
Symptoms? I'm feeling really good this week! I've had energy and no major complaints.
Stretch marks? Still avoiding them.
Belly button in or
out? It's still in, but there's part of it that kinda looks out. It's just in a weird state of being right now.
Sleep? Like a rock. The light goes out and so do I. I wake to re-position and occasionally to pee, but I've still been waking up early and easily in the mornings.
Best moment this
week: This whole weekend was good. We were productive! We picked out a new light for the nursery to replace the existing ceiling fan. The switch in that room has never actually controlled the light, so Tyler did some handiwork and switched out the fixtures and installed a new dimer switch. I'm so excited that we'll be able to turn on a very dim light when we go in for those late night feedings and such. He also replaced our thermostat. We've moved into the here and now and finally have programmable settings! Here's to hopefully saving a few bucks on our heating and cooling bills from here on out! He ALSO added some additional shelving to our kitchen cabinets. We now have room for our wine glasses and baby bottles.
If that's not enough, we also went Christmas tree shopping and put up all of our decorations! Then yesterday Tyler put a first coat on the nursery ceiling. Goodbye beige paint, hello nesting! It felt great to accomplish (have my husband accomplish... let's be real, he did the bulk of it) so many things and CHECK them off our list!
Worst moment this
week: I decided on curtain fabric, and we were going to go purchase it this weekend. Tyler was even willing to go along to get it. I checked online to make sure it was still in stock at the local store. They didn't have as much as I wanted, but it was enough to work with, however, when we got there we couldn't find it in the store anywhere. Their system also showed that they had it, but the lady helping me couldn't locate it either, so we walked away empty handed.
Also, it was a goal to work on our registries, but I ended up being locked out of one and the other was having so many technical glitches that I ended up getting very little accomplished. So while Tyler was checking things off the list left and right, my projects were falling apart left and right. Overall, everything that got finished totally outweighed the rest!
Miss anything? I guess I've been missing soft cheeses quite a bit. Tyler and I went out for a nice dinner this weekend and tried a new, local restaurant. They had some really great sounding items, especially appetizers, on their menu but I had to rule out so many of them because of the blue cheese, goat cheese, or feta cheese. I am a cheese girl so it was a little painful to do.
Movement? I've been noticing that one side of my belly will be normal and soft-ish, while the other side will be hard if I poke it. So i'm not sure if it's her head or her back or her rump, but I've been able to feel her in there. She's also been a little miffed at my bladder apparently, because she's been giving it quite the beating this week.
Excited for anything? We ordered the crib and it should be arriving any day now! I think putting that up is really going to be an exciting reminder about how close we're getting. I've already been playing with the light and just peering into the nursery the last few days, and I imagine I will keep staring at it more and more as it continues to come together.
How’s dad-to-be? I think he's feeling good and less overwhelmed. He said something this weekend like we've done the bare minimum needed to bring a baby home. So now we get to keep improving, but he's confident we have the necessities for basic survival.
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{ We found our tree... another live one this year } |
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{ Tyler can now take pictures from both sides of his phone at the same time... and I look HUGE in this picture, but I think the dress is deceiving } |
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