{ The many faces of Hazel in a restaurant } |
{ First time at the pool! } |
{ "Happy Father's Day, Dad!" } |
{ It was a good mail day for Hazel } |
{ Action shot! -- Just swingin' and chewing on her elephant } |
{ Chewing on her bottom lip and holding her toes; two new things she learned to do } |
{ There's the drool! } |
{ There's some more! } |
( First 4th of July!! - We walked up the street to see the town's fireworks, and she slept through the whole show. } |
{ Twins! She got her eyes from me :D } |
{ We tested out the cow jumper, but she just wasn't quite big enough yet. Norbert wasn't sure what to make of it. } |
{ Serious cowgirl } |
{ Do you want to eat her cheeks? ...or is that just me? } |
{ Possibly one of my favorite pictures! } |
{ We have had Norbert for 26 months which mean he is about 29 months old (give or take)... maybe he'll get a 30 month post all to himself... but probably not. We love you Norbert!!! <3 } |
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