Our house! We bought it three days before our wedding. It sits on one acre, it's stone, it's quaint, it has some unique features, and it has a superb location.
We were house hunting for a while, but when we came across this house it just seemed
doable. We didn't fall for it heart and soul quite like we had for some other houses (which we didn't end up going for, because for one reason or another they just didn't make sense.) But this one did. It was in our price range, and just had so much potential!! It was(and is) a project house, but one we felt that we could handle. And because of it's location we know we will be able to rent or sell it very easily when the time comes. And now that we're in it and have made it more our own we do love it heart and soul. It was just one of the houses you need to get to know first, and then the more you know the better it gets.
So without further ado I will give you some of the original pictures we took when we were just looking at the place:
{ Mudroom with slate floors, quirky hanger rack, and window table (which we fondly call Roundtop) } |
{ Kitchen } |
{ Kitchen } |
{ Dinging room picture window and wall pass-through to kitchen } |
{ Living room window... selling feature! LOVE big windows and a lot of natural light } |
{ Living room: fireplace, front door, window } |
{ Master bedroom - again, swoon worthy window right there! } |
{ 2nd bedroom } |
{ 3rd Bedroom } |
{ View from dining room to kitchen } |
{ Small and gross upstairs bath } |
{ Small and gross upstairs bath } |
It was a foreclosure that had been sitting for a while so the landscaping had grown wild and the wild had started moving into the house too!
- We had honey bees living in our master bedroom wall, which had to be taken out through the inside along with all their honeycomb.
- We had squirrels living in the attic.
- Raccoons in the trashcan
- Red velvet chocolate bar loving mice
- Groundhogs under the driveway
- A Possum in the groundhog trap
- And briefly a rat snake living in our outside wall/window well
{ Honeybee devastation } |
{ Vacuuming up the bees! } |
{ Me in my bee suit } |
{ Snake! } |
To say the least, we now have a lot of experience with critter control. Yay us! Most of the above were re-homed out into the country, but a few needed more drastic measures. :(
Projects we (or our awesome family) have done include:
- Replacing doorknobs
- Re-surfacing our hardwood floors in 3 rooms
- Repairing the hole in the wall where our bees once lived
- Painting the bathroom grout
- Painting the bathroom walls and ceiling
- Painting the living room trim
- Replacing master ceiling fan
- Painting the master bedroom walls and ceiling
- Other miscellaneous painting
- Replacing the furnace floo
- Replacing the basement door
- Fixing the plumbing (we hired some professionals for this one)
- Removing the shed
- Beefing up our carport legs with some nice new wraps (still in progress)
- And TONSSS of yardwork/brush removal/weeding/planting/gardening
- Replace the kitchen window
- We are about to paint the outside trim too!
We still have many more projects to go! We come up with them faster than we check them off the list for sure. The house is now full of our stuff, half of which we should probably get rid of. We have been trying to decorate a little bit, but we still have almost nothing hanging on our walls. We have a long way to go! More pictures to come I'm sure.
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