We proudly have our first trip under our new parent belts. It was one of those things that we were excited for but also dreaded the possibility of a screaming baby on an airplane. But we prepared as best we could, and went into the experience with high hopes and a calm demeanor. Stressed parent on a plane = stressed baby = at least 20 other very unhappy passengers.
{ "Hazel is packed!" - Tyler } |
We headed out on Hazel's first trip to Arizona! We were excited to see a lot of family and for Hazel to meet many of them for the first time!
We arrived at the airport and actually had a pleasant experience (if there is such a thing) with TSA... turns out they are pretty nice to babies and their parents. And Hazel loved the airport. It was busy and noisy and she couldn't get enough, so she chimed in with gleeful squeals and screams. Loud ones! I was sure everyone around us was praying that we weren't on their flight.

It was an evening flight and Hazel had been awake all afternoon, and I was also pushing the boundary a bit on her feeding schedule because I wanted to nurse her upon takeoff. She was all smiles as we boarded the plane because it was like her own little runway of strangers smiling at her. She was in her element. We went to the back of the plane and found an empty row. It was a full flight so we knew we'd have someone else sitting with us, but we wanted that to be that person's choice. We didn't want to inadvertently choose a seat next to the biggest baby hater on the plane. Luckily, a mom of a five month old sat next to us.

We nursed on takeoff and the ear popping didn't faze Hazel a bit, but afterwards, she was TIRED. Possibly a little over-tired. She had a hard time getting comfortable in our arms and started to cry. Tyler was trying to calm her but her crying was escalating, and he got worried saying, "give her a boob!" But she had just eaten, so I took her back and managed to find a position that was comfortable enough for her to sleep. And then I
did not move for the rest of the flight. Until we nursed again for landing.
Once we were back on the ground there were several people who complimented us and said, "What a good baby!" One man even said, "I didn't even know she was there!"
Whew! Flight number 1 out of the way! Time for the fun to begin!
We had a great time with all the family, despite some unintended circumstances, and Hazel helped spread some joy by sharing plenty of smiles and even a few giggles. I was convinced I was only going to see her when she was hungry... and I wasn't too far off the mark. She had such a great time being spoiled with attention. She got to see grandparents. great grandma, lots of aunts, uncles, cousins, great aunts and great uncles, even a great-great uncle (Is that how that works?). I am so grateful to have such wonderful family!
{ Aunt Linz! They are definitely conspiring about something! } |
{ Peekaboo with cousin Ryan's hat! - She loved playing with Ryan! } |
{ Learning languages with Aunt Courtney } |
{ Cuddling with Aunt Cath } |
{ Reading with Aunt Whitney } |
{ Matching with Papa K! } |
{ Goofing off with Bammie } |
{ Saying goodnight to Great Grandma. So happy we got to celebrate your 80th birthday!! } |

{ Happy to see Aunt Cara } |
From Phoenix to Prescott to Sierra Vista she was a ray of drooly sunshine almost the whole time. We were in town from Thursday - Tuesday, but it went by much too quickly. The plane ride home was successful and very similar to the first. She was tuckered out from all the fun (and it was Tyler this time, that got to stay still the whole way).We can't wait for our next visit!
{ Pau! } |
On a side note: The only issue has been her sleep ever since the trip... It's been rough. She went from waking up once a night to 2 or 3 times minimum. Last night was doozy and she kept waking up over and over. 4 month sleep regression anyone? Send us some sleep vibes tonight!!
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