We have had a productive weekend. The first weekend in October is always a good one in my book, because it contains some of my favorite fall celebrations, the Scarecrow Jamboree and the Chili Cook-Off!
The jamboree's heyday has sadly passed, as it wasn't even held last year, and this year's celebration was definitely lacking the charm it used to hold. No chili competition, no scarecrow competition, no pumpkin bread, and no square dancing. Plus it was in a new location which just didn't compare. Bthhhhh! But we still went and showed our support and bought some scarecrow materials, although we decided to take them and build our scarecrow later.
{ Bessie, the best (and only) scarecrow on the block. And a baby bump. } |
The chili cook-off, however, didn't disappoint this hungry preggo-saurus (other than their lack of tasty white chili). Lots and lots of chili samples to be had!
Among the fun we had we also did some shopping and bought some things for the house that we've been wanting but have been putting off. This little one has been putting us into a higher gear for getting the house together. Over the past couple weeks we've painted our carport and our big front window (which desperately needed it), as well as attempting to become more organized (although I don't think it's working.)
Tyler installed a new light over our kitchen sink to go with our new kitchen window, and I almost have a new paint color picked out for the kitchen... maybe...
{ Lemon Souffle - Behr } |
I have been searching for discount rugs for YEARS. Literally (not the new definition, either). But I never actually bite the bullet and buy one. We changed that this weekend when I found a great deal at Ross that was the perfect color blue for our living room and was cheap enough that if Norbert ends up ruining it (always a possibility) it will most likely have been worth it for the time it lasts.
We have been living in this house curtain-less for a year. Which is fine. For the most part people can't see into our windows very well (at least that's what we like to believe), and we love looking out our windows. But this winter we will be sleeping in the master bedroom, whereas last winter we were in the guest bedroom. The main need for curtains is not because of our neighbors being able to see in better, although that is probably true, but their backyard flood light that they keep on all. the. time. It drives Tyler nuts during the winter when there are no leaves on the trees in our woods to block it from coming in our windows. With the positioning of our bed, window, and the light this winter it will be shining right in our faces. With fall upon us the leaves will soon be dropping, and for my husband's sanity it's time for curtains. So we bought a rod and are testing out some curtains, although I don't think these are going to make the cut.
Tomorrow we go in for our second ultra-sound, and as long as baby cooperates, we will find out whether we are having a boy or girl! Then we'll be able to start preparing for baby and getting a nursery put together!
Boy or girl, right now I am leaning toward painting the nursery a navy blue or navy-blueish grey... is that crazy? I usually start out with a rich, bold color in mind, and always wimp out and go with pale colors instead.
{ Velvet Evening - Behr } |
As you can see from the pictures, we already added a lot of blue to our house this weekend, and I'm wondering if maybe it's a sign that a little boy is on the way? I really don't have a gut feeling that it's one or the other... I will just have to wait and see... less than 24 hrs!! eek!
P.S. On Friday night, we think we felt baby kick for the first time!!
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