December 31, 2012

Holly and Jolly

Happy New Year's Eve!!

I'm sad Christmas is over. At this point it is silly to continue putting up decorations because it's almost the new year, but I haven't got my fix yet. I just want to keep decorating!!! I'm definitely not ready to take them down.

Instead, I will be throwing myself into wedding planning and finally get some things accomplished (fingers crossed). I already hit up some Christmas clearance for some decorating accessories and also did some more dress shopping!

But back to Christmas. It goes by too fast. Even when you try to drag it out, it just doesn't last long enough. We had many a celebration with ourselves and with family. We ate waaaaaaay too many cookies and really need to go take advantage of that YMCA membership we have now...

{ Christmas Eve and Santa had already stuffed the tree with presents }

{ Feeding the birds squirrels Christmas morning }
We were supposed to get a white Christmas night with 2-4 inches of snow, but no such luck. We were Snowless in St. Louis for Christmas, but we didn't have to wait long before we got our first snow and as I'm typing we are getting more!!

{ Dad walking down his road }
{ The view from my parents' dining room }

{ Out back from our house :: A winter wonderland for sure }
We had a winter marshmallow roast two nights ago. With all the snow and a bright moon it was a gorgeous night.

{ Actually feeding the cardinals }
I'm hoping to get enough for some New Year's Sledding tomorrow! 

Tonight we do not have plans set yet. We thought Tyler had to work in the morning, but he got the good news that he has the day off! So doors have opened now that we can actually stay up till midnight like normal 24 year olds and will be able to sleep in the next morning. Then snuggle up to watch the HGTV Dreamhome special, (my personal New Year's tradition). 

We also get to hang out with an old friend in the new year, because Stephanie's in town!!!

Cheers, everyone!


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